A heating "Rinascimento": the untapped potential of District Heating in Italy

A heating "Rinascimento": the untapped potential of District Heating in Italy

Tuesday, May 23, 2023 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Brussels)
Sala 500


In Italy, the heating sector is still dominated by fossil fuels, with natural gas as the primary resource. Like other European countries, Italy is being hit hard by the energy crisis and forced to accelerate the deployment of sustainable and local heating solutions.

District Heating and Cooling is already a consolidated reality in Italy and is territorially widespread. According to the latest data, just under 300 networks were in operation in 240 municipal areas, concentrated mainly in the country's northern regions. The Italian DHC infrastructures cover about 4,500 km of pipes and over 9 GW of installed thermal power.

Yet, the growth potential is huge: DHC represents only 2% of heating in Italy!

Italy is rich in sustainable and local heat sources that can be deployed in existing and future heat networks. Whether it is solar thermal energy (where else but in Italy?!), geothermal sources in the volcanic regions of central and southern Italy, or the large volumes of industrial waste heat in the industrialised regions of the north, these resources can be exploited with an appropriate policy framework and instruments.

The Italian recovery plan, RepowerEU and the Green Deal industrial plan are excellent opportunities to channel investments into modern and efficient district heating systems, contributing to the country's energy independence and boosting its climate performance.

This session will explore the potential of district heating in Italy, focusing on policy barriers and opportunities to accelerate the green transition in the Italian heating sector. Industry representatives and national policymakers will discuss the main solutions to be deployed by the "Bel Paese" in order not to miss the opportunities offered by the EU.

This session is sponsored by IREN

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