Kingspan LOGSTOR

Platinum Sponsor


With more than 60 years of research, development and experience, we have become the leading manufacturer of pre-insulated pipe systems. We invented the pre-insulated pipe, the flexible pipe, unique joints and fittings. And on top of that, we are the first company to introduce environmentally friendly products to manufacture the best insulation material.

LOGSTOR district heating pipe solutions constitute a long-term investment that improves infrastructure and the standard of living for people and communities in towns and cities. Pipe systems with a long service life and low installation costs allow cities around the world to show leadership in the field of eco-friendly and renewable energy. LOGSTOR solutions ensure low costs for more than 30 years, helping to make district heating the cheapest and most effective form of indoor heating.

Our District Heating Solutions:

Transmission - Distribution - Domestic Heating - Surveillance - Solar Heating

LOGSTOR employs around 1,400 people in 12 different countries. Currently, we have 6 LOGSTOR sites strategically placed to cover Europe.


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